Learning for lifetime — Committed to the Future

Principal: Ana Castillo
Assistant Principal: Gennifer Caven
Grades: K-8
School District: Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified School District
Phone: 707-792-4860

Thomas Page Academy Mission Statement

The Thomas Page Academy Community supports the intellectual, physical and emotional development of our students. We will challenge ourselves to be a quality school that positively impacts student learning through changes and improvements in our educational design and delivery of services. Our school community believes in the potential of every student. We believe our unified effort will enable all students to learn and achieve in a manner that will prepare them to become caring and successful citizens of the 21st century.

Welcome to Thomas Page Academy!

TPA Tiger Toons - Each week Thomas Page Academy's student leadership class produces a video with important school news and announcements. Watch to learn about our staff and students of the week and to hear who won the weekly Tiger Reward Raffle! Go Tigers!

School Calendar

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